From completely gutted to shining new with students and parents learning English in about a month. Amazing! Last year the whole industry was up-ended with the "double-reduction" policy, basically shutting down 80% of schools similar to ours. We survived, but had to move. Luckily construction in China is lightening quick. Ironically, we moved into the old location of one of our biggest competitors!
从完全破旧到全新闪亮,学生和家长们在大约一个月内学习英语。太令人惊奇了! 去年“双减”政策把整个行业搅得天翻地覆,像我们这样的学校基本上关停了80%。 我们活了下来,但不得不搬家。 幸运的是,中国的建设速度快如闪电. 具有讽刺意味的是,我们搬进了我们最大竞争对手之一的旧址