Join me for a dangerous and curse filled bike ride through what seems like an endless construction zone for a new subway line in Nanjing's Jianye district. Construction is everywhere in every city in China. One of the key factors of quick Chinese construction is how reckless it is. It’s rarely blocked off completely and huge trucks and construction equipment seem to think they’re as nimble as a civic when driving down city roads.
请跟我一起进行一次充满危险和诅咒的自行车之旅,穿越南京建业区一条似乎永无止境的新地铁线建设工地。 中国的每个城市都充斥着工地。中国快速建设的一个关键因素就是它的鲁莽。很少有完全封闭的施工区域,巨大的卡车和施工设备似乎认为自己在市区道路上行驶时和小型轿车一样灵活。