Subway construction in Beijing is insane. New lines are popping up all the time. I had a chance to take the newest subway line, number 19 at Jishuitan station, which intersects with Line 2, the oldest subway in the city. It’s so interesting how the new mixes with the old in terms of style and function. This new line has two new features that I've never seen before in China's subway system. The first is the seating. Although it looks comfortable, it makes no sense and doesn’t seem logical for crowded subway cars. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out once the new line becomes more popular. The second is that there are monitors that tell you which cars have fewer or more people before arriving in the station so you can choose one that’s more comfortable, which is super helpful!
北京的地铁建设真是疯狂啊。新线路不断涌现。我有机会坐了最新的地铁19号线,它在积水潭站与最老的地铁2号线交汇。有趣的是,新与旧在风格和功能方面混合在一起。这条新线有两个中国地铁系统中我从未见过的新特点。 第一个是座位。虽然看起来舒适,但对于拥挤的地铁车厢来说毫无意义,似乎也不合逻辑。一旦新线路变得更加流行,看看它的使用效果将会很有趣。 第二个是有显示器告诉你到站前哪些车厢人比较少或者比较多,这样你就可以选择一个更加舒适的车厢,这真的非常有帮助!