Next door to the Buluoni Hotel in Yabuli, China is a beautiful modern structure that houses an Alibaba conference center and also a small museum dedicated to educating the youth on China's history and great innovators. Not sure why, but this was a mandatory tour as part of our stay at the hotel and use of the conference room.
中国亚布力布洛尼酒店隔壁是一座美丽的现代建筑,里面有一个阿里巴巴会议中心,还有一个小型博物馆,致力于教育年轻人了解中国的历史和伟大的创新者。 不知道为什么,但作为我们入住酒店和使用会议室的一部分,这是一次强制性的旅行。