After enjoying skiing on Sun Mountain, the students had the opportunity to participate in Model UN activities to practice their English language skills in a fun environment with their friends. Each student was assigned be part of one of five countries. We worked on language and practiced being diplomats by taking questions/problems and providing their countries’ stance on solving it. Most of the students were a bit too young for this, but they tried hard and eventually starting working together by the end of the week.
在太阳山享受滑雪乐趣后,学生们有机会参加模拟联合国活动,与朋友们在有趣的环境中练习英语语言技能。 每个学生都被分配到五个国家之一。 我们致力于语言,并通过提出问题/问题并提供他们国家对解决问题的立场来练习成为外交官。 大多数学生都太年轻了,但他们努力尝试并最终开始一起工作。