We had so much fun on this ski trip to Sun Mountain and the Buluoni Hotel. The day starts with a good Chinese breakfast, and then it's onto the slopes. Most of the students picked it up quick and seemed to really enjoying skiing and snowboarding. The “board boys” learned really quickly and were always the first on and the last off on the mountain. Toward the end of the day I even got to explore the mountain on my own a bit and even met some new friends!
这次去太阳山和布洛尼酒店的滑雪之旅我们玩得很开心。 美好的一天从一顿丰盛的中式早餐开始,然后就是滑雪。 大多数学生很快就学会了,似乎真的很喜欢滑雪和单板滑雪。 “滑板男孩”学得很快,总是第一个上山,最后一个下山。 一天快结束的时候,我什至可以自己探索一下这座山,甚至结识了一些新朋友!